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Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee

The Executive Committee exists to minister to the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention by acting for the Convention ad interim in all matters not otherwise provided for in a manner that encourages the cooperation and confidence of the churches, associations, and state conventions and facilitates maximum support for worldwide missions and ministries. The Executive Committee is governed by its board of trustees – the “members” of the Executive Committee – which are elected by the Convention. All of the Executive Committee’s cooperate powers are exercised by or under the authority of its board of trustees, and the affairs of the corporation are managed under the direction of that board.

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Partner Assets

CP Stories: Brent and Emily Phillips, Pennsylvania
Barry video
The Annual Church Profile (ACP) is a lot like Joseph and Mary’s census, says Whitworth
Pastors Ryan Day and Ed Roman
First Person: Five Things I Learned In Indianapolis
WRAP-UP: SBC officer elections feature many candidates, several runoff contests
Pressley leads slate of 2024 SBC officers
New IMB missionaries celebrated during SBC annual meeting
CP Stage: To Iorg, the Cooperative Program is personal
‘Accept and bear the weaknesses’ of others, Barber urges in presidential address
Perkins to Black pastors: ‘We can’t win the race if we refuse to run’
‘The mission matters most,’ Iorg says in first Executive Committee report to messengers
Messengers vote to refer sexual abuse reform priorities to SBC Executive Committee
GCR Evaluation Task Force recommendations approved
SBC Indy Annual Meeting logo
2024 Committee on Committees
Election Results of Law Amendment
Law Amendment falls short in Indy
Messenger motions deal with ERLC, censure, other issues
BW-SBC24 recap
Whitworth shares highlights of SBC annual meeting in Indianapolis
Messengers approve Cooperation Group recommendations regarding ‘friendly cooperation’
BW-SBC24 video
Please pray for the SBC annual meeting in Indianapolis
National Day of Prayer Guide
Cooperative Program logo
Cooperative Program Sunday
Barry video
Whitworth shares about abuse prevention resources for churches
2024 SBC annual meeting
Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference and Annual Meeting
Elizabeth Benge video
2023 ACP Deadline is Feb. 15
ARITF One-Pager-1
An Overview of the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF)
BW-SBC23 Evangelism Grant
Whitworth shares SBC meeting’s emphasis on missions and BRN’s summer evangelism grants
Williams upholds persistent prayer, honors women at Black fellowship’s 30th year
At SBC ‘23, messengers continue to deal with abuse reforms, take stand on pastoral convictions
A chorus of SBC voices seek a better future at Unify Project’s racial unity event
Panelists stress importance of child abuse protection
Executive Director Barry Whitworth sends greetings from 2023 SBC Annual Meeting
Barry video
BRN Executive Director asks churches to pray for the SBC meeting in New Orleans
June 2023 Top Five
June 2023 Top Five
Celebrating Cooperative Missions: A personal take on cooperation
FIRST-PERSON: Plan now for Baptism Sunday 2023
EB- Top Five video
January 2023 Top Five
Barry video
Barry Whitworth shares similarities between the Christmas story and the Annual Church Profile
CP Stories: Ricardo & Meyna Barber, Oregon
Calling Out the Called: Discipling Those Called to Ministry Leadership
CP Stories: Ralph & Lovie Adair*, South Asia
Disaster Relief prayer
Pennsylvania Disaster Relief efforts are nationally recognized with 2022 VOAD award
178 professions of faith are made during disaster relief efforts in Florida
Cooperative Program logo
Cooperative Program Sunday
CP Stories: Travis & Beth Burkhalter, South America
BRN Disaster Relief Team prepares to jump in with Hurricane Ian relief if needed
CP: Stories Jeff and Barbara Singerman, Africa
Global Hunger Sunday
SBC leaders respond to DOJ investigation
Donate to Kentucky Flood Relief
BRN Disaster Relief crew sends two teams of volunteers to Kentucky; How you can pray and give
FIRST-PERSON: We need each other
BW Video
Using a napkin to explain the Cooperative Program
Washington to champion personal evangelism in new role at NAMB
‘Very high priority’: Barber reveals criteria for new task force appointees
What a week we had in Anaheim; SBC releases full video coverage of 2022 Annual Meeting
Roe vs Wade and Supreme Court
Threats of violence loom following SCOTUS decision
SBC Annual Meeting and Pastors’ Conference
Churches have been ‘hunting ground’ for predators, new SBC president says
Barry video
Barry Whitworth recaps 2022 SBC annual meeting
WRAP-UP: Messengers lament, take steps to address sexual abuse
‘Take courage,’ Jennifer Rothschild tells ministers’ wives
2022 SBC Annual Meeting Recap
Denhollander, Benkert, Pittman offer trauma-informed ministry training
Good news emphasized, while lostness remains central to IMB report
McLaurin talks inspiration behind ‘The Winning Way’; encourages leaders to seek God’s voice daily
Bill Elliff speaks
‘Spread the fame of revival to spread the flame of revival,’ Elliff tells editors
McLaurin: ‘I believe the trust within our denomination can be rebuilt’
Committee on Nominations report released; BRN Pastor Fred J. Neal Jr. elected to SBC Executive Committee
Barber elected SBC president after runoff
In its ‘Kairos moment,’ Southern Baptists approve SATF recommendations
Associational leaders approve full-time leader, seek ways to ‘pursue love and good works’
Daniel Dickard elected 2023 SBC Pastors’ Conference president
BW Prayer
Barry Whitworth urges prayer for the upcoming SBC meeting in Anaheim
Elizabeth Benge video
June 2022 Top Five
SATF recommends ‘Ministry Check’ database, Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force
‘Must be a reckoning’: sex abuse survivors respond to SBC Executive Committee statement
Barry Whitworth
BRN Executive Board approves abuse prevention policy, pastor wellness program, and hears progress reports on BRN work
CP Stories: Jack & Prinna Wattanawongsawang,* East Asia
Baptist Press apologizes to survivors, commits to serve
Executive Committee sets up hotline for abuse claims
SBC Executive Committee repents, vows to listen to survivors, release hidden list of alleged abusers
Guidepost investigation prompts recommendations for reform
Hunt resigns from NAMB, named in Guidepost report
SATF report shows EC pattern of resistance to addressing abuse claims
Ukraine relief tops $10 million; five ways Southern Baptists are helping
Baptists gear for decades-long trauma care response to Ukrainian refugees
Southern Baptist response teams overflow with compassion
SBDR, Send Relief enter new working agreement for disaster relief
Southern Baptist volunteers mobilizing to serve ‘ocean of people’ fleeing Ukraine
Ukrainian seminary student in constant contact with family as they help during crisis
Elizabeth Benge Top Five video
March 2022 Top Five
Ed Litton
SBC president, Ed Litton, will not seek second term at 2022 SBC Annual Meeting
How should Christians talk about racism?
Pursuing Unity: A discussion of racial reconciliation and the SBC
50 Stories of Transformation: ‘One heartbeat’: An SBC director’s call to connect the nations
McLaurin named SBC Executive Committee interim president/CEO
Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Cooperative Program logo
Cooperative Program Sunday
Orphans and Widows Sunday
Student Baptism Sunday
young child transporting an old plastic bottle full of water
Global Hunger Sunday
Mission:Dignity Sunday
Disaster Relief participants
Disaster Relief Sunday
Baptism Sunday
Baptism Sunday
Praying over church planters
Church Planting Emphasis Sunday
AAEO22 - United
Week of Prayer and Mission Study for North American Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Two clasped colorful hands
Racial Reconciliation Sunday
Focus on WMU Sunday
George Liele drawing
George Liele Church Planting Evangelism, and Missions Sunday
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday graphic
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
Kirk Kirkland
CP: Reaching people in Cincinnati
Malawian widow
CP: Serving widows in Malawi
Rob Maine
Scattered yet together, Pittsburgh church grows in community
Church pews
Few pastors left the pulpit despite increased pressure
Missionary couple Patrick and Erin Schwartz
CP Stories: Reaching women in Glasgow
CP: Planting churches in Vista, California
SBC22 Annual Meeting Graphic
SBC Pastors’ Conference and Annual Meeting
An individual writing notes from Bible
CP: Forging partnerships in East Asia
African couple seated on bench
CP: Equipping believers in the Congo Basin
Church Planter Dave and Mary Elliff and family
CP: Planting churches in Seattle
Prayer guide on Afghanistan crisis made available for Southern Baptists
City street in Europe
CP: Reaching Central Asians in Europe
Barry Whitworth video
Barry Whitworth explains how the SBC’s Cooperative Program works
J.D and Andreina Fasoulino
CP: Planting Hispanic churches in Toronto
John and Lois Wang and friends
CP: Building collegiate ministries in Buenos Aires
Joey and Vicki Hay and church family
CP: Revitalizing churches in Florida
Rob and Annabeth Wilton and family
CP: Planting churches in Pittsburgh
Missionary Sean Stevenson
CP: Reaching the nations right here in the U.S.
Ronnie Floyd
Vision 2025 amended, adopted by messengers
JD Greear
Greear extols Gospel-centered unity and evangelism in final SBC address
Standing room only SBC meeting
WRAP-UP: SBC elects Litton, takes control of EC investigation
Acting ERLC president Daniel Patterson addressing 2021 SBC Annual Meeting.
ERLC: Ultrasound placements continue to expand
Bob Ascol, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church presenting abortion resolution
Abortion, sex abuse, racism, Christian unity addressed in diverse resolutions
Grant Gaines
Motion spurs task force to oversee SBC Executive Committee review
SBC21 Resolutions Committee
Messengers overwhelmingly affirm resolutions targeting racial reconciliation, Hyde Amendment, Equality Act
Ed Litton
Ed Litton elected SBC president in runoff
2021 SBC Book of Reports
Church planters Wade and Sharon Sigrest on a sailboat
CP: Teaching and discipling in the Philippines
Church planter Price and Arrica Wright and their 3 young children
CP: Planting churches in Kansas City
Praying Together June 6, 2021 slide
Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church to be observed June 6
SBC Prayer
SBC President J.D. Greear: A call to prayer and fasting for SBC ‘21
Barry Whitworth video
Going to the SBC annual meeting? Let Barry know!
Send Conference June 13-14slide
New Send Conference special guests, additional seating capacity announced
Bathroom gender symbols
HHS gender policy imperils conscience rights, critics say
Wedding rings sitting on open Bible page
CP: Fostering healthy marriages in Central Asia
Missionaries Johnny and Donna Maust pictured with nectar soap
CP: Growing churches from cooking classes
Black Church Week ad
2021 Lifeway Black Church Conference onsite and online
Ronnie Floyd - Advancing the Vision
Ronnie Floyd: Elevating the ministry of prayer
Mojic and Munko Baldandorj holding hands outdoors
CP: Reaching Mongolians in Oakland
2021 SBC Annual Meeting logo
2021 SBC Annual Meeting program released
Daniel and Kristen Lowry with their toddler son daughter
CP: Discipling believers in Kenya
Nashviille's Music City Center
2021 SBC Annual Meeting to remain in Nashville, shift venues
2021 SBC Annual Meeting logo
Two with ties to PA/SJ to serve on SBC’s Committee on Committees
Chris and Libby Philips with their four children.
CP: Planting a church in Denver
Town square in North Macedonia
CP: Bringing hope to North Macedonia
Elizabeth Benge video
April 2021 Top Five
Pastor Ryan McCammack baptizing in outdoor portable baptistry
CP: Bringing the hope of spiritual reconciliation to Atlanta
Church planters Bobby and Lakeisha Williams
CP: Loving New Orleans with the deeper love of Christ
New president of state evangelism directors wants to get the church ‘out of the building’
Joshua Valdez speaking to a group of students
CP: Changing lives one verse at a time in Farmington
Two individuals signing in shadow and two hand drawn illustrations
CP: Reaching Thailand’s deaf population
George and Joy Ross standing on front lawn, surrounded by their six children.
CP: Planting churches in New Orleans
Cooperative Program graphic
Cooperative Program Ambassadors Guide
Photo of baby goat surrounded by three individuals
CP: Taking the worry out of practical needs
The Road to Nashville – Episode 2
The Road to Nashville – Episode 1
Ten Percent header
Ten Percent: A Call to Biblical Stewardship
Cooperative Program stories
CP: Planting a church in Salinas
Cooperative Program stories
CP: Voicing the Good News in Japan
Cooperative Program video
How the Cooperative Program works-CP video
Cooperative Program Bookmarks
Cooperative Program brochure
Cooperative Program Brochure
Cooperative Program video
Better Together – CP video
Cooperative Program video
Locking Arms to Tell His Story – CP video
Cooperative Program video
What Jesus Told Us to Do – CP video
Cooperative Program video
Seeing the Gospel Before Hearing the Gospel – CP video
Cooperative Program video
Being Soul Conscious – CP video
Cooperative Program stories
CP: Planting a church in the Bronx
Cooperative Program video
I am not a Missionary – CP video
Cooperative Program video
Just Call My Name – CP video
Cooperative Program video
Together – CP video
Advancing the Vision by Ronnie Floyd
Race and ethnicity in Southern Baptist churches, 1990-2018
Cooperative Program logo
Cooperative Program Emphasis Month (Oct. 1-31)
National Day of Prayer 2021_Theme
2021 National Day of Prayer
Baptism Sunday
Mission:Dignity Sunday
Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church graphic
A Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
SBC seminaries logos
SBC Seminaries Sunday
Cooperative Program logo
Cooperative Program Sunday
Two clasped colorful hands
Racial Reconciliation Sunday
SBC 2021 Annual Meeting theme
SBC Annual Meeting, Nashville TN
Focus on WMU
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday graphic
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
Ethnically diverse support shores Cooperative Program
Diverse group of Southern Baptist pastors sign Deep South racial justice statement
Ezell: ‘Greatest Annie Offering ever’ despite steep decline
Cooperative Program giving in 2019-20 testament to Southern Baptists’ faithfulness
Changed lives, gospel advance, and missionaries mobilized
2021 SBC Annual Meeting hotel registration opens Oct. 1
Caring Well Hiring Guide
Caring Well Hiring Guide
Cooperative Program logo
Ronnie Floyd: We will not retreat: The real reason for supporting the Cooperative Program
Caring Well Challenge
Caring Well Challenge
Cooperative Program logo
Collection: Cooperative Program
sad woman
Statement and Encouragements to BRN Churches Regarding Abuse of Minors and Vulnerable Adults

Baptist Resource Network Partners

Campers on Mission
NC Baptists Logo
WatersEdge logo
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