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The North Carolina/Pennsylvania Baptist Partnership Request Forms

The North Carolina/Pennsylvania Baptist Partnership is an avenue through which North Carolina Baptist churches, associations, and individuals have opportunity to partner with Pennsylvania Baptist congregations, church plants, and ministries in fulfilling the God-given task of reaching the lost for Christ.

How do I go about requesting a team from North Carolina?

Pray about how you might use a volunteer missionary team to assist you in fulfilling your ministry. Fill out one (or more!) of the N.C. Partnership Volunteer Request Forms. Send the form to Mark Abernathy, NC Baptists on Mission.

Email to Mark at

We will be glad to receive requests throughout the year, but most of our churches begin their missions planning 8-10 months in advance, and will be eager to see a list of requests beginning in September. So please submit the request as soon as possible.

What happens then?

N.C. Baptists on Mission will work to promote your project among our churches here in North Carolina (and beyond via our website!) and help find a team to fill it. While we cannot guarantee a team to fill your request, we will promote it throughout the year in a variety of ways. When a team shows interest, the team leader will be put in direct contact with you. If you both feel it is a good fit, you both will set the dates of service and work out all the necessary details.

Download latest flyer here.

If you have any questions about the North Carolina/Pennsylvania Partnership, please feel free to contact:

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