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Josh Coldren

Church Health Consultant, Northern Central region

Josh Coldren, BRN’s Church Health consultant in the Northern Central region, is currently senior pastor at Cross Creek Community Church in Trucksville, Pennsylvania. Prior to that he was the campus pastor of Crossroads Church in Roanoke, Virginia, a campus of Thomas Road Baptist Church. Josh has 20 years of ministry experience and has served in a variety of roles as student pastor, associate pastor, and senior pastor. He has experience in both urban and rural communities. Josh is an Assistant Professor in the School of Divinity at Liberty University. Josh holds a post-graduate degree in educational leadership, a master of divinity degree in missional studies, a master of religious education degree, and a master of arts degree in religion in evangelism and church planting from Liberty University. Josh and his wife, Nicole, reside in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania.

Ministry Areas

Church Lifecycle
Mapping Center
Pastor Care
Pastor Visits
Spiritual Health Assessments

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(717) 652-5856

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Josh Coldren

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Josh Coldren is currently senior pastor at Cross Creek Community Church in Trucksville, Pennsylvania. Prior to that he was the campus pastor of Crossroads Church in Roanoke, Virginia, a campus of Thomas Road Baptist Church. Josh has 20 years of ministry experience and has served in a variety of roles as student pastor, associate pastor, and senior pastor. He has experience in both urban and rural communities. Josh is an Assistant Professor in the School of Divinity at Liberty University. Josh holds a post-graduate degree in educational leadership, a master of divinity degree in missional studies, a master of religious education degree, and a master of arts degree in religion in evangelism and church planting from Liberty University. Josh and his wife, Nicole, reside in Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania.

What benefits do you hope our churches will receive as a result of your work/role at the BRN?

I want to be an encouragement to pastors, help move churches towards healthy growth, and fostering discipleship among congregations.

A Few Fun Facts about Josh


Josh is passionate aboutTrout fishing and NASCAR.


Josh’s hero is the Apostle Paul.


Josh’s hobbies include coin collecting and playing arcade games.


His life’s hashtags would be #pennypincher and #trout.

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