Hello BRN Family, it’s good to be with you today!

Your church will soon receive a postcard highlighting the details of this year’s Baptist Resource Network Accelerate Conference and annual business session and gathering on Tuesday, October 3. 

The Accelerate Conference, which will be held at the Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel, will feature Jeff Christopherson, author, missiologist, leader, catalyst, and executive director at the Canadian National Baptist Convention. Jermaine Dolly, a Christian recording artist and worship leader from Philadelphia’s Ezekiel Baptist Church, will lead worship. 

We also will kick off “GROW,” Phase 3 of BRN’s #LovePASJ initiative, which will focus on intentional discipleship and leadership development. In all areas, we will ask, “What is your next step?”

As always, we also will feature an exhibit area. The BRN is pleased to provide high quality sponsor and vendor packages every year. Do you or someone you know want to sponsor or be an exhibitor for the conference? If so, I invite you to contact the Helpdesk at helpdesk@brnunited.org to receive our Sponsor/Vendor packet, which details all the many ways we can acknowledge you before our many churches. 

Also, some more good news: In spite of the rising costs of inflation, the BRN team has been able to keep meal costs in line with last year’s conference. We also plan on giving away gas cards as door prizes! We hope you will join us!

Be sure to check out our Accelerate Conference website at www.acceleratepasj.com for all the latest details. I earnestly urge you to pray for this conference, which is specifically designed to encourage our churches and pastors to accelerate Kingdom movement in Pennsylvania/South Jersey and beyond. Thank you and God bless you!