This week, I talked with a friend about the importance of being able to trust your leader. Clearly, it makes a difference when you have confidence in your leader’s credibility, character, and competency. Here are some ways that’s the case:

  1. You are more willing to take risks for the sake of the mission. That’s because you trust your leader has a sense of vision and direction.
  2. You aren’t afraid to ask questions and push back when needed. You trust your leader will be willing to hear feedback because he or she really wants to do things well.
  3. You always give your leader the benefit of a doubt. You don’t jump to accusation and criticism, simply because you trust your leader’s heart.
  4. You are willing to stand with your leader even when others do not. A right heart will take leaders a long way, even if a vocal few are against them.
  5. You’re glad to be part of the team. Not everybody gets opportunity to work with/for someone they trust.
  6. You look forward to the future. You like marching forward with a leader whose heart is without guile.
  7. You don’t hesitate to encourage the best potential team members to join the team. As an insider who knows the context, you so believe in your leader that you want others to get on board.
  8. You believe your leader wants the best for you. Whatever that “best” might be, you trust the one who leads you in that direction.
  9. You think long before making a career move away from your trusted leader. Those opportunities might indeed develop, but having a trustworthy leader will give you pause before making a move.
  10. You’re committed to the tasks your leader assigns you. That’s because you don’t want to let down someone you trust—especially when so many leaders are not trustworthy.
  11. You look forward to going to work. The workplace is simply different when you believe in the one who leads you.
  12. You learn the importance of trustworthiness yourself. In the end, you want to be like the leader you so admire. That’s great news for the next generation of workers!

If you’ve worked for a leader you just trust, what would you add to this list?

This article, used by permission, first appeared here.

Chuck Lawless is Dean of Doctoral Studies and Vice President of Spiritual Formation and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C, where he also serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions. In addition, he is Team Leader for Theological Education Strategists for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.