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Greg Drayer

Church Health Consultant, West Region

Senior Pastor, Rolling Hills Baptist Church, Verona, Pennsylvania

GREG DRAYER’s passion is taking the Word of God and finding its intersection with meaning, context, and application. Growing up in inner-city Erie, Pennsylvania, he has many experiences that led him into a life of ministry and serving his community. Throughout the years, he has attended churches in multiple denominations through his playing drums in a couple of different Christian bands. After God thankfully redirected him from his pursuit for rock-stardom, he began attending college and developed a hunger and passion for learning, especially learning about the story of God’s redemptive work throughout human history. His desire for learning brought him to seminary where he earned a master of divinity degree and in the next few years, he will begin working towards his doctor of ministry degree.

Greg has served as a volunteer in para-church youth organizations, as a youth director and pastor, and now pastors at Rolling Hills Church where for the past eight years he has had the pleasure of leading the congregation through multiple changes to its governance, through a capital campaign, and developed many new ministries and opportunities for reaching out to their community. In addition to serving in the local church, Greg has also had a hand in training new church planters in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and also serves with the Baptist Resource Network, where he is a church health consultant.

Ministry Areas

Mapping Center
Pastor Care
Pastor Visits
Revitalization Cohorts
Spiritual Health Assessments

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(717) 652-5856

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Greg Drayer

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GREG DRAYER’s passion is taking the Word of God and finding its intersection with meaning, context, and application. Growing up in inner-city Erie, Pennsylvania, he has many experiences that led him into a life of ministry and serving his community. His desire for learning brought him to seminary where he earned a master of divinity degree and in the next few years, he will begin working towards his doctor of ministry degree. Greg has served as a volunteer in para-church youth organizations, as a youth director and pastor, and now pastors at Rolling Hills Church where for the past nine years he has had the pleasure of leading the congregation through multiple changes to its governance, through a capital campaign, and developed many new ministries and opportunities for reaching out to their community. In addition to serving in the local church, Greg has also had a hand in training new church planters in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and also serves with the Baptist Resource Network, where he is a church health consultant.

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