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Beth Whitworth

Ministry Wives Consultant

Beth Whitworth, ministry wives consultant, is the wife of Barry, a missionary, pastor and currently the Executive Director/Treasurer for the Baptist Resource Network of PA/SJ. They celebrate their union of over 40 years and are the parents of two grown daughters, two sons-in-love and six grandchildren.

Having been a PK as a youth and in ministry with Barry for many years, Beth is passionate about caring for the wives and family of ministers in PA/SJ.

Previously in children’s ministry, missions education, youth ministry and women’s discipleship, as a pastor’s wife and church planting missionary, she has also counseled women and conducted premarital counseling. She has been in Christian service for over 28 years. Altogether, she has served over 28 years in full-time Christian service.

She is also a prayer warrior who believes constant communication with the Father is vital for the disciple of Jesus Christ.

Ministry Areas

BRN Women
Care to Church Pastors/Staff and their Families
Personal Growth Events/Trainings
Resource Development

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Beth Whitworth, wife of BRN Executive Director Barry Whitworth, is Ministry Wives Consultant for the Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania/South Jersey. Having been a PK as a youth and in ministry with Barry for many years, Beth is passionate about caring for the wives and family of ministers in PA/SJ. Currently, Beth is on LifeWay’s national panel of women’s leaders as the representative of ministers’ wives in PA/SJ.

A Few Fun Facts about Beth


Beth is passionate about knowing God and sharing His love with others.


Beth’s faith hero is her husband.  Having married at a young age, she has enjoyed being a part of watching how God transforms and enables them to be actively part of His supernatural Kingdom. “He has sacrificed, overcome and walked in the hand of God like no other man I know,” she said.


Beth enjoys being in nature, gardening, taking walks in the woods, camping and most of all sharing her life with her children and grandchildren as they talk about God lessons.


Her life’s hashtag would be #everybreathwithin4Him

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