Hello BRN Family, it’s good to be with you today!

Last week, we looked at how the Holy Spirit empowered a scattered church to spread the Gospel all throughout Judea and Samaria. And I reminded you that your hard work, especially this past year, is not lost. On the contrary, God “is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20).

But I still can’t help wondering if we need to change the questions we have been asking. For instance: Instead of, “How can I control what is happening inside the four walls of my church?” maybe we should ask “How can I join what God is doing outside the walls of our church?”

The disciples surely couldn’t understand all that Jesus was doing on the cross. But, the Kingdom was His priority. After he had suffered, Jesus appeared to the disciples over a period of forty days speaking about the Kingdom of God.

He knew their understanding, with the Holy Spirit, was much different having endured the losses of Good Friday. He pushed them to see beyond their understanding and to joyfully abandon themselves to His mission. No matter the cost.

The theologian D.A. Carson once noted, “The Kingdom of heaven is worth infinitely more than the cost of discipleship, and those who know where the treasure lies joyfully abandon everything else to secure it.”

Are you willing to abandon your former church experience for the new one God is initiating in your life? Perhaps it’s time to cast the vision you have always had in your heart.

What is the dream you have for your church?

What energizes your heart?

What creates energy in your leaders?

Are we willing to abandon everything else to advance the Kingdom of God? Would you rather be where God is and where He is working instead of seeing no power at work in your life or your church?

Vision always creates action.

Action will always create movement.

It’s this movement that we seek to accelerate all across Pennsylvania/South Jersey. You never know. We might be on the precipice of a revival–if only we would be willing and obedient. I’m praying for you. God bless you for listening today!