Hello BRN Family. It’s good to be with you today. I want to just take this moment and say, as we’re moving into this weekend, my prayer for you and your family and your church family is that you will have a wonderful celebration of Jesus Christ, thinking about the reason for the season, why Jesus came to us, why God gave us His only begotten Son.

One of the things I love about the Christmas season is it’s one of the greatest times to share the gospel. It’s a time to spread the Good News, the “Good Tidings of Great Joy,” as the scriptures say, so that other people who have not yet come into a relationship with Jesus Christ might understand why God came into the world through Jesus Christ.

So, I’m praying that Word will go out this weekend through Christmas Eve celebrations, Christmas day celebrations, but certainly in your own home and your own neighborhood and across our two-state region. May it be said that this Christmas season, there was actually some born again into the Kingdom of God because we elevated Jesus, the reason God sent Him, and the good news and the message that all can come to know Him if they’ll put their faith and trust in Him.

So here at the BRN, we’re wishing you a Merry Christmas and also a Happy New Year, but we trust that in your home this Christmas season, you might get the joy and feel the joy and experience the joy that only comes through Jesus Christ. So, God bless you, and again, Merry Christmas!