MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA, (BRN) – Kids Christmas Quest at Keystone Montgomeryville in Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania, was an event to discover the One all of the characters in the Christmas story were searching to find.

At this event, families experienced a live Nativity throughout the church. Everyone started together in our Worship Center for games, caroling and instructions. With maps in hand, they traveled to various stations and met the Nativity characters.

Families traveled to various stations in Keystone Montgomeryville to hear from characters apart of the Christmas Story.

These characters included Gabriel, shepherds and sheep, Mary and Joseph and the Wise Men. After hearing each person share their story, a fun activity, such as a craft or a game, related to that part of the Christmas Story was enjoyed. At the Inn, those on the quest got to refuel with yummy snacks and visit the animals of our petting zoo. This was a favorite stop for many.

For many kids, the petting zoo (the Inn) was their favorite stop on the quest.

At the end of the quest, everyone gathered back in the Worship Center for a gospel presentation and an invitation to come back for Christmas Eve services. Each family leaving Christmas Quest received a Christmas ornament to remember this event and the story of Jesus.

The gospel was shared throughout the quest experience through the characters of the Christmas Story. At the conclusion of the quest, Pastor Mark White shared that Jesus’ birth is not the end of the story but the beginning of a beautiful redemptive plan. He shared that the gift of Jesus is available to all and led the audience through a sinner’s prayer.

We had over 250 people in attendance and estimate that nearly 26 gospel conversations happened. We also had a total of 73 workers stationed throughout the church property helping with the event. It was truly an awesome day and the kids left with big smiles!

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!