FREEPORT, Pa., (BRN) – On Saturday, April 1, Expressway Baptist Church in Freeport, Pennsylvania,  hosted an Easter egg hunt and celebration.

On the day of the event, we had a brief time of going over what everyone was to do, what games we wanted to play, order of the events and when would be the best time to share the Easter Story and where.

Before their Easter egg hunt, Expressway Baptist gave a unique gospel presentation using Easter eggs.

We had 12 plastic eggs that we set up on a table in the sanctuary. Right before the egg hunt, we gathered the children, teenagers and parents. I numbered the eggs one through 12 and then asked a child to pick an egg. When I called that number they were to come up front and open the egg. There were 12 different things in the eggs that told the Easter story, including three nails, a cross and one egg that was empty. I told the real story of Jesus.

We then enjoyed the egg hunt and a few other activities. In total, we had 30 people attend the event and 20 gospel conversations throughout the course of the day. Thank you, Baptist Resource Network, for helping us with this outreach event!