HARRISBURG (BRN) – Thanks to a recent evangelism grant from the Baptist Resource Network (BRN), East Shore Baptist Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was able to connect with hundreds of our immediate neighbors during the recent Primary Election.  Some of the grant money was used to provide snacks and drinks, but most of the funds went towards purchasing relevant Christian literature that was offered free to all voters after they cast their votes. 

East Shore Baptist Church served as a polling station for the most recent Primary Election and provided gospel materials and snacks for voters.

Of course, Bibles were made available but we also provided books by prominent Christian authors on a range of spiritual topics, including: Jesus’ life and ministry, the importance of being connected to a church and how to begin a prayer life.  Pamphlets were also available on such timely subjects as dealing with anxiety and depression and how to biblically handle trials.

Volunteers from East Shore Baptist staffed the welcome tables during all thirteen hours of the voting day.  Each person was greeted with a smile and was offered any of the free food and literature as they left the church.  As voters surveyed the book titles and topics, many God-conversations ensued. 

Interested people were invited to select the books that addressed their particular needs as well as being invited to visit us on Sunday at church.  Since we also participated in this ministry last November, one couple that we connected with then has been visiting our church regularly.  Thank you, BRN, for offering these wonderful and impactful evangelism grants!