Hello, BRN Family! It’s good to be with you today!

Without a doubt, many of you are experiencing decision fatigue in the face of all the changes that have occurred because of the pandemic. We understand! Wouldn’t it be nice to just know what the next step is?

It hasn’t been easy, but the Baptist Resource Network team has managed to stay focused on our next steps so we can better serve you.

To remind you, in early 2020, the Baptist Resource Network team embarked on a journey with Will Mancini and his associates at Denominee to help us reframe our vision and strategies so we can deliver consistent value to you in these rapidly changing times.

In this process, our team has sought to answer the question, “What does the state convention, our network, of tomorrow look like?”

I am pleased to say the effort has been extremely positive. I believe it is already clarifying our mission, unifying our team, and amplifying our impact.

In monthly meetings, we have done a number of mission-focusing exercises designed to help us focus on the outputs we desire to see as a result of our work.

This culminated into several new directions. Here is a quick summary of what we have accomplished so far:

First, we have clarified our Mission: What are we doing? Wholeheartedly, we have landed on “helping churches accelerate Kingdom movement.” Every church, no matter where they are in its life, can benefit from taking new steps toward Kingdom advancement. We seek to help each church identify what those next steps are and to assist them with the tools necessary to accelerate forward.

We also examined the areas we felt our network brings Value. In other words, Why are we doing this? As a network, we value Unified Diversity, Passionate Innovation, Gospel-Driven Multiplication, Empowered Network, and Authentic Partnerships.

We also revisited our Strategy, which seeks to answer: How are we doing it? We have devised a simple four-step process: Assess, Assist, Activate, and Advance. We’ll share more about this in future updates.

And finally, we looked at Measures that help define when we are successful. We believe we will be successful when we see BRN churches with Thriving Leaders and being Kingdom Centric, Missionally Motivated, and Diversely Unified.

Next, we will be examining where God will take us as we tackle the vision He is placing on our hearts so that your impact on God’s Kingdom is greater.

We believe this vital work will help us shift from being reactive to proactive and will allow us to develop and refine the right tools to help your ministry accelerate Kingdom movement for years to come.

In this time of uncertainty, would you like to focus on what could be your next step in being an effective Kingdom church for the future? If so, please reach out to us. We’ve gleaned a lot from learning on how to build a next step operating system for the future. Please know we are praying for you!