Hello, BRN Family! It’s great to be with you today!

Local pastors and leaders from the Baptist Resource Network are partnering with Send Relief to serve Philadelphia in the upcoming Sept. 15-16 Serve Tour Philly. Several teams from churches will assist in serving Philly’s most vulnerable populations, as well as schools, bi-vocational pastors, and churches that are being revitalized/planted.

All of the projects will start at one of three hub locations: Ezekiel Baptist Church, Bedrock Church, and Redemption City Church.

Registration will open on July 31 for churches to choose their specific project. Some of the 30 projects include ministering to students at local college by helping them move-in, serving a school by throwing a block party, building a shed for a food ministry, hosting a food distribution in a food desert, serving with a grill walk to give out free burgers to residents and share your faith, and helping update space for a church plant.

Serve Tour Philly will have projects that are both on Friday to Saturday and Saturday only. There will be projects for the whole family, projects for ages 12 and up, and projects for age 16 and up. Be sure to sign up for early access, so you will get an e-mail when registration is open and you can select the project that best fits your team’s passion and gifts. Sign up at sendrelief.org/serve-tour/philadelphia.

As of July 1, over 800 people from 27 BRN churches and 14 churches from eight different states have already signed up! You can join us, too! By partnering with the Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania and South Jersey, Send Relief is making it easy for you and your team to have a real, lasting impact. Thank you!

And thanks for listening in today. May God bless you!