Hello, BRN Family! It’s great to be with you today!

We invite you to join us for the BRN’s annual Accelerate Conference on October 3 at the Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel as we unveil “GROW,” Phase 3 of #LovePASJ initiative, which will focus on growing new Christians through intentional discipleship and leadership development.


Our keynote speakers will be myself and Jeff Christopherson, an author, missiologist, and executive director of the Canadian National Baptist Convention. Christian Recording Artist Jermaine Dolly, who also leads worship at Philadelphia’s Ezekiel Baptist Church, will lead our worship.

A myriad of speakers in our breakout sessions will focus on the “Seven Temptations of the Western Church,” as explained in Jeff Christopherson’s book, “Once You See.” Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) will also present a breakout on how to confront the rapid embrace of radical ideas and activism surrounding gender ideology. We will record all of the breakout sessions so you won’t miss anything!

Why are we doing this?

By now, you have likely heard there are an estimated 14 million people within PA/SJ who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Moreover, vital statistics indicate that every 4.2 minutes, one person in PA/SJ dies and enters an eternity without Jesus. These statistics break our hearts. They also compel us to do whatever it takes to reach this region with the life-saving gospel.

That is the very heart of the Accelerate Conference, which is designed to equip you and fuel passion and innovation that encourages Kingdom movement… a prayerful movement of God with the ultimate goal of revival! Join us! Register online at www.acceleratepasj.com.

Thanks for listening in today, and God bless you!