CALIFORNIA, PA, (BRN) – On Nov. 15, New Life at PennWest California hosted Pancakesgiving Fest.

We’ve been hosting Pancakesgiving for several years, but this year we wanted to reach more people and to have an intentional time of evangelism. Pancakesgiving is a Thanksgiving-themed pancake dinner, and this year we asked six other clubs to join us and to host carnival-style booths. We were grateful to work with several different clubs – Cal Catholic, DECA (an education club), Criminal Justice, Vulcan Gaming Club, Screen Printing Student Association and WCAL (our school’s radio station who provided music).

We gave away free pancakes in festive flavors and coffee, and we had a mini carnival where students could mini-golf, play a bean bag game, create fall crafts, play tic-tac-toe and participate in our two evangelistic activities.

Choose One

This is how New Life Treasurer Anna described our “Choose One” evangelistic activity:

“I set up five items on the table, one of which was a packet with a dollar bill hidden inside the pages. I asked participants to choose an item, and once they did, I explained how we often go for the thing that is tangible and looks the best to us, however, the greatest rich of all: eternal life (dollar bill) is unseen. Then I read a few verses from the parable of the rich young ruler, which explained how eternal life is only available through Jesus. I got to do this activity with 12 students.”

Anna continued: “The biggest highlight was in my conversation with Dylan. Dylan has been coming to New Life this semester, and he identifies himself as agnostic. He sat with me at the booth during Pancakesgiving. He began to ask me questions about why we are here and why there is evil if God is all-powerful and all-knowing. I was able to inform him that God gives us free will to choose between right and wrong. God knew Satan would want to be the best, but He allowed him to choose what he wanted to do, which brought evil into the world. The other highlight would be that someone said what I was doing was a cool little lesson.”

“The conversation with Dylan really had me thinking about how I could be better prepared to answer questions like the ones he was asking me, which are very popular questions of non-believers,” said Anna.


This is how New Life Member Kenzie Nicklow described our Soularium evangelistic activity:

“I engaged in gospel conversations through the channel of the game ‘Soularium.’ I sat at a table with various cards displayed before me, all portraying different events or items, such as a baby bird in the hands of a person or a dark bridge. At this point, I would ask the participant which cards they believed represented their life, which they wish represented their life, which represented how they see God now and in the past and how they wish to see Him. Here, I took the information I gathered and pointed them back to Jesus and His love for us.”

Nicklow continued: “For example, if someone picked photos and described themselves as having a life full of stress, but wanting one that was peaceful, and seeing God as distant, but wanting to know Him more, I would use their descriptions and show them that with the love of God we can all have lives with more peace and less stress, and that we can be close to Him and be saved. Then, I would also share any memorized scripture or any other words of comfort of advice that the Holy Spirit put on my heart in that moment.”

Nicklow went on to share two specific student interactions.

“Two highlights from my conversations included two students, one of which was just getting started on his journey in faith and the other who did not really know God but wanted to reach Heaven one day. With the first student, I was able to respond to his curiosity and excitement with even further encouragement, support and even an invitation to join our Christian club on campus. With the second student, a girl, I was able to teach her about how approachable God is when we seek Him and even share a crucial verse of salvation with her, Romans 10:9.. This conversation was really the highlight of not only my night, but my entire week, being that viewing the kingdom of Heaven expanding with my own eyes is an extremely spiritual, emotional and exciting thing.”

At her table, Nicklow had the privilege of engaging in 15 gospel conversations. Although she did not explicitly pray with anyone that they would receive Christ, she did pray for her peers afterwards.

“This experience impacted me in a very strong way. Personally, I am a servant of God in mainly areas of children’s ministry. I am called to be a children’s pastor, so I really devote most of my time to that work. This event, though, opened a door to ministering right where I am, which was an extremely powerful and beautiful thing. I want nothing more than the devotion of lives to the King and for those around me to live lives full of the peace and love of Jesus, so getting to have those conversations with those around me definitely left a good mark and encouraged me to continue this work further,” said Nicklow.

Student impact

New Life at PennWest California had a wonderful event and got to interact with a variety of students from many walks of life. We were grateful to branch out to connect with other clubs and for the opportunity to engage in 27 student-led gospel conversations.

It was wonderful to see students engaging their peers in meaningful dialogue about Jesus. It was just as powerful for the students who shared the gospel as with those who participated in the activities. I am thankful for the ongoing connection we have with Dylan and for the opportunity to continue sharing Jesus with him. God is at work in his life, and I pray he receives Christ as his Savior.

Thank you for the opportunity for us to reach more students with the light and love of Jesus through Pancakesgiving Fest!

To view the video and advertisements for Pancakesgiving Fest created by New Life at PennWest California visit or