WILLINGBORO, NJ (BRN) – With great pleasure, we express continual gratitude for the Baptist Resource Network’s (BRN) contribution to Delaware Valley Baptist Church outreach ministry’s coat drive.

With donations made by the BRN and the assistance of others, several families at Belmont Holmes and Garfield Park Academy received coats and other winter essentials. The opportunity to bless those who are without always touches our hearts so dearly, especially in a season of giving. The mission remains to impact not only the church but the community as well. The Gospel of Jesus always spreads in some way, shape or form. Through action, generosity, compassion and gift-giving, this authentic experience expressed the Gospel. Thank you for being so supportive in donating to those in need!

This holiday season, Delaware Valley Baptist Church was able to bless those in the Willingboro, New Jersey, community with coats.