CHAMBERSBURG, Pa. (BRN) – From Sunday, June 12 through Thursday, June 16, Chambersburg Baptist Church was on a journey to Jerusalem Marketplace. This Vacation Bible School included Bible lessons from the triumphal entry of Jesus on Palm Sunday to His miraculous resurrection. A team from Rowan Baptist Church (Clinton, North Carolina) joined with us to share the life-changing message of Jesus with children and teens. Average nightly attendance was 50, including students and leaders.

Children stepped back in time and into a Jerusalem marketplace to learn about Jesus for Chambersburg Baptist Church’s VBS.

Relationships among church members were strengthened as we worked together to share the love of Jesus at every opportunity, from crafts in the Marketplace Shops (weaving, jewelry making, and carpentry) to recreation, snacks, and music. Several people prayer walked the neighborhood and more than 300 invitations to VBS and our weekly church services were handed out. Nightly Bible lessons were gospel-centered and every area of VBS was designed to reinforce the message of new life in Jesus. Snack helpers engaged children in discussions about Jesus. Pastor Kenny and VBS director Brenda Fox talked with students and parents. Music time included music celebrating the life of Jesus and conversations about how God is at work in the lives of people. This was the most evangelistic VBS that I have ever been a part of and we plan to use the materials again. No professions of faith were made during this event but the gospel message was shared more than 100 times. Two boys attended VBS who used to come to the church and they recently made professions of faith; they will be baptized soon, and their family recently started attending Chambersburg Baptist Church again. VBS was a great time to reconnect with this family in a very personal way. Parents and grandparents have expressed their appreciation for this powerful week of celebrating the life of Christ. Months of preparation and prayer went into this event. Thank you Baptist Resource Network (BRN) for coming alongside us to help reach our community for Jesus! We will continue utilizing new ways to reach people with the gospel. Dewey and Kathie Aiken were instrumental in connecting us with the Rowan Baptist Church team – a great blessing to us. Without their help this event would not have been nearly so successful.