As Christians, our faith directly impacts our lifestyle and how we live in the world. It affects how we interact in our workplace setting and in our social circles. Our constitutional freedom of speech and religion gives us permission to live out our faith in all areas, including prayer in public settings… or at least it should. Unfortunately, high school football coach, Joe Kennedy, had a different experience.From 2008 to 2015, Coach Joe Kennedy served as an assistant coach on the varsity football team and head coach on the JV team at Bremerton High School in western Washington.He had a habit of praying after games. Win or lose, he takes a knee at the 50-yard line to privately thank God for his players, what they have accomplished, and the opportunity he has to be involved in their lives.Concerned that the prayer could be violating the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, Bremerton advised Coach Kennedy that he could “engage in religious activity, including prayer, so long as it does not interfere with job responsibilities,” the activity is “physically separate from any student activity, and students [are] not … allowed to join such activity.”Coach Kennedy then sued the school district, alleging it had violated his First Amendment rights to free speech and free exercise of religion. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear his case in January 2022.What could the Supreme Court’s ruling in Coach Kennedy’s case mean for religious Freedom?If the government can stifle the prayers of a high school coach when he is not even engaged in official duties, what other forms of expression can it suppress? If a silent prayer after a football game is off-limits, what other speech is?Indeed, at stake in this case is nothing less than the First Amendment’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion.To hear more about this case, click HERE.

Here is how you can pray:

  • Pray that the U.S. Supreme Court Justices would vote to uphold Coach Kennedy’s constitutional rights to free speech and religion.
  • Pray that Coach Kennedy’s story would positively impact other Christians in their daily walk with Christ and encourage others to take a stand for their constitutional freedoms.
  • Pray that Bremerton School District would rescind their directives towards Coach Kennedy and welcome free speech and free exercise that agrees with the Constitution.
  • Pray that Christians would stay true to their faith, regardless of some government officials’ hostility towards religion.