HARRISBURG (BRN) – The Baptist Resource Network (BRN) has an established partnership with the Flint River Baptist Association in Georgia. 

They have 46 churches in their association and are led by Frank Nuckolls, who is the associational mission strategist. Members from the Flint River Baptist Association came to Pennsylvania last April for a vision tour and met with several of our BRN churches and church plants in the Central region. They listened and learned about the needs, opportunities, vision and challenges of our churches here in PA.  

It was out of this trip that they made a list of needs that the churches here had shared and then they went back home with a plan. They shared with their churches what they had learned and asked the 46 churches to help.  

For several months, they collected items and filled an 18-wheeler truck. During the week of Jan. 14, they brought those items to Pennsylvania. Leaders from BRN churches then came and picked up those resources.  

Ed Roman, senior pastor of Carlisle Baptist Church in Carlisle, Pa., received baby items and diapers for a ministry his church provides to refugee mothers in their community. 

“With the baby supplies Flint River brought, already, a Liberian mom has been helped,” said Roman. 

He continued: “She received a diaper bag, clothes and shoes for a little girl. The mom heard the gospel and the seed was planted. Thank you for your partnership!” 

This was the first step in, hopefully, a long sustaining partnership!