PHILADELPHIA (BRN) – Watershed Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has two waterways that border its neighborhood: Wissahickon Creek and The Schyulkill River.

We realized that this is a great natural resource for recreational fishing, but being in an urban context, not many know how to fish. So we wanted to provide a clinic where children AND their parents could learn how to fish.

Originally, the clinic was to take place in Wissahickon Valley Park along Wissahickon Creek, but the threat of severe weather forced us to move to the gym of Phil-Mont Christian School.

During the fishing event, Watershed Church brought in Pennsylvania Fish and Boat officers to help teach the kids and parents about fishing and conservation.

We taught basic fishing skills, like knot tying, casting, fish identification and conservation. Children got the opportunity to use their new skills in an adjacent pond before the weather got bad. Every participant received a free fishing rod, a Bible, Watershed Church drawstring backpack, a starter tackle kit and more! We also had Pennsylvania Fish and Boat officers join us to give a brief talk and help students and parents.

We rotated the kids and their parents by age through stations. One of the stations was a Bible story station where the gospel was shared. Another station was crafts, where salvation bracelets were made and the gospel was shared. We had planned on having a closing ceremony to share the gospel, but there was a gas leak in the building and we had to evacuate.

In total, we had 70 people attend the event and we had at least six gospel conversations throughout the day.

Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!