PHILADELPHIA (BRN) – On Aug. 26, First Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pa.,  hosted nearly 600 people for their Ukrainian Family Festival. The festival gave the church an opportunity to  host many new Ukrainian refugees looking for community.

The festival consisted of two parts: A festival part and a program portion. The festival part of the day included homemade food, bounce houses for kids, cotton candy, an ice cream station, volleyball games, evangelism booth, photo booth and much more. People had a chance to walk around the different booths and enjoy a day with their family. We made sure to have activities for all ages.

The second portion was the program portion, where we sang worship songs, prayed for Ukraine and the war to end, prayed for the institute of family to be strong and protected and the gospel message was shared.  Overall, a total of 50 gospel conversations were had between the festival part and the program portion.

Check out the video below for more from First Ukrainian Evangelical Baptist Church’s Ukrainian Family Festival:


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