WILLOW GROVE, Pa., (BRN) – Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV) says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

The week of July 10-14, children of God of all ages were out for Vacation Bible School (VBS) at the First Baptist Church of Crestmont in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.

The theme verse for the week was Psalm 25:4 and, utilizing the “Twists & Turns” VBS curriculum from Lifeway, the church spent the week covering five fantastic, timely topics: Jesus is Holy, Jesus is Trustworthy, Jesus is Forgiving, Jesus is Worth Following and Jesus is for Everyone.

The table was spread and the church was spiritually fed. In addition to being fed spiritually, one of the highlights of the week, and a staple for VBS at First Baptist Crestmont, was First Lady Kim Coleman’s sloppy joes on Wednesday evening.

Throughout the week, Rev. Dr. Jerome F. Coleman, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Crestmont and National African American Fellowship (NAAF) vice president, posted on the church’s Facebook page, writing and expressing his excitement and joy for seeing all of the children and adults in attendance for VBS.

In his remarks on Wednesday evening, Pastor Coleman said, “One of the things that I love about the church is that it’s gotten to a point where I can delegate things to people and let them run with it and trust their judgement.”

“I think people don’t understand that the pastor is just one of the many gifts that exist in the body of Christ. Praise be to God that we have people who love the Lord, that you can trust and we can delegate these things (VBS and teaching) to.”

The week of VBS was filled with the truth of God’s word, activities for all ages and featured a week long coding and music production class for teenagers (led by Techcore2). VBS closed out that Friday evening with praise, worship, games and a competition for coding and music production. It was truly a blessed week.

First Baptist stands in awe of what God is doing in and through the church. At Crestmont, the mission statement is that “we are a church determined to know Christ and to make Christ known by our love for one another and others.” VBS is one of those things that gives the church an opportunity to put the mission on full display, and First Baptist is grateful for that opportunity.