HARRISBURG (BRN) – East Shore Baptist Church in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, had approximately 500 people in attendance for our annual Fall Festival, which was held on Oct. 28.

We provided our community with bounce houses, games, free food, trunk-or-treat, minute to win it games and the gospel. At one point during the festival, we shut down all of the activities and had everyone gather around the pastor. We did a few minute to win it games and afterwards the gospel was presented.

The primary goal of this event, like many of our other events, was to give an opportunity for our people to make connections with others in the community. These  events are working!

Those who attended East Shore’s Fall Festival enjoyed a Trunk or Treat as well as many other family oriented activities!

Since we have been doing these outreaches, we have had four families become regular attendees at our Sunday gatherings. Some of them aren’t believers and are being discipled by members in our church.

Another amazing result of these outreaches is that we see the same faces over and over again, and I recognize them and they know me by name. Each time, I build a deeper connection and invite them to church. Eventually they will come!

This event was a success for East Shore and the community knows we exist. Thank you for your assistance in helping us make a meaningful impact on our community!