VOORHEES, New Jersey (BRN) — “That was always my philosophy, ‘be willing and be faithful in whatever you do [and] always be available,’” said recently retired Emma Tentarelli, who has served at the Baptist Resource Network (BRN) in various capacities, including on its Executive Board.

She has served since the Baptist Resource Network’s beginning in 1970 ,when as a young girl, she first served as a “page” through WMU’s Girls in Action program for the first annual meeting, which stemmed from her involvement at Silver Springs Baptist Church.

“I was involved with that church very much, because there were so few of us everyone had to do something,” said Tentarelli, noting her individual involvement at Silver Springs then lead to an involvement within the convention.

“I really got involved in the mission aspect of the convention itself. The very first meeting that the [then-called] Baptist Convention of Pennsylvania/South Jersey had to start up, they used our missions young people to participate in that…that’s kind of how I got started, and I’ve pretty much been involved ever since.”

Tentarelli also shared that the convention’s missionally-minded attitude is what caught her attention and kept her so active within the organization.

“As a young person, I participated in missions in other denominations because I would have friends who would invite me on trips. I went to Haiti and Guatemala. I met the missionaries in Guatemala and many of them constantly talked about their need to do support, so when they went home [they] never really got to see their families.”

She continued: “Through the BRN, through the Cooperative Program, that’s not the case. Our missionaries get to come home and be on furlough to spend time with their families. I was impressed with the fact that the Cooperative Program allowed them to really do their job the way I felt God would want leaders and missionaries to do their jobs.”

In 1977, Tentarelli continued her involvement with missions, as she served as a summer missionary for the North American Mission Board. She later took on a much different role for the South Central Baptist Association in her home state of Pennsylvania.

“I was the music director there,” said Tentarelli.

“We would have associational choirs every year, and then we started what we called the ‘Festival of Praise,’ where we brought all of the churches together to share music. So, I was very involved in that aspect of that association.”

In 1996, Tentarelli got married and moved to South Jersey, where she was quickly recruited by the South Jersey Baptist Association to serve as their Clerk.

“So at the South Jersey Baptist Association, the very first year I was there… in October they had their annual meeting and asked me to be their Clerk for the association. So, I did and actually had been the whole time, until just like maybe two years ago,” said Tentarelli.

She continued: “So, that’s kind of what leadership role I played in South Jersey, and then I did become their associational secretary in 2005.”

Throughout her many years of being a part of the BRN, Tentarelli has watched God change and grow the organization in a number of ways.

“In the earlier years, our churches had a real problem with women preaching, and I remember some incidences where that was a big issue, but I watched and saw how they overcame that. And I’ve watched and seen how we’ve went from the very strict hymn-book singing to starting to put some praise in and being a little more active that way.”

Tentarelli continued: “So, yeah, there were a lot of changes. What was really nice and really great was that the BRN staff, whomever we had in at the time, always seemed to go with the flow, but [were] always making sure we were on line Scripture wise and everything…but they changed as times changed.”

Tentarelli shared that these changes were good for the Network and actually brought its members closer together.

“We have to go with change for the good…that’s what I’ve seen through all these years, is just good changes, and I think it brought our people closer together as well.”

Now in this new season of retirement, Tentarelli remains willing and faithful, as she continues to serve within her church, Cultivate Church in New Jersey, and be an active member of the Woman’s Missionary Union.

“It has been a great journey…and even though I went on lots of mission projects, did lots of mission things, I always had in my heart, if God wanted me to do that full-time, I wanted to do my responsibility and be available,” said Tentarelli, reflecting on her years with the BRN.

“I always felt that if God wanted me to do something He would give me what I needed to do it, I just had to be faithful.”

Listen to the podcast interview:

The “50 Stories of Transformation” series, told in honor of the Baptist Resource Network’s 50th anniversary, highlights the many ways God has moved throughout Pennsylvania, South Jersey and beyond. Your generous support of the Cooperative Program makes this ministry possible and fuels evangelism and outreach in our local churches and all over the world! Thank you!