KITTANNING, Pa., (BRN) – In order to adequately handle all the different pieces of this event – KIT Festival in the Streets – multiple teams from Harvest Church – Kittanning took responsibility for different areas.
A setup crew prepared everything on Market St. in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, transporting equipment, setting up tents, prepping hotdogs and just making sure everything was ready to go for our hospitality team.
The hospitality team arrived and started to prepare hot dogs to give away to festival goers. At 3 p.m. they started to giveaway hot dogs with a smile, and were ready to talk about Harvest Church or Jesus with anyone who showed interest.
By 6:30 p.m. they had handed out 1,200 hot dogs and 750 candy canes.
While the hospitality team was doing their work, a separate outreach team made up of Harvesters were on the streets with gospel tracks and Christmas Eve Service invites. This group’s main objective was to evangelize, and they did just that!
The team leader, Justin Morelli, had many gospel centered conversations and the other team members did as well. They handed out over 500 gospel tracks and Christmas Eve Service invites in the span of four hours! We estimate that there was a total of 5,000 people at the event throughout the day.
It was a joy to watch the family of God work together employing the varied gifts of His grace to serve the people of Kittanning!
We cannot know for sure if there is any direct correlation, but the very next day at the 9 a.m. service at Kittanning was the most attended Sunday service this campus has ever had (minus Christmas and Easter).
Have an outreach event you would like to host, but could use a little help when it comes to the cost? Apply for a BRN Evangelism Grant today by visiting!