HARRISBURG (BRN) – The Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania/South Jersey (BRN) is kicking off the new year with new faces and new titles.
Since the start of 2025, the BRN has added two new Church Advancement Consultants to its team, who will both serve the Philadelphia region.
Gerald Waters, current mission pastor at Proclamation Community Church in Philadelphia, will serve as the BRN Church Advancement Consultant for the inner city region of Philadelphia. Waters will help pastors located in the city of Philadelphia consider next steps for their church and seek ways to advance the gospel in their neighborhoods.

In this new endeavor, Waters hopes to be “an attentive ear, a viable resource and a faithful partner in prayer” for BRN pastors and churches in Philadelphia.
“I just want the churches to know that I’m sincere in my service and I am open to opportunities to learn and grow. This role puts me in a unique position to simultaneously pour into others but be poured into myself by faithful men that labor the Philadelphia region for the BRN,” said Waters.
BRN churches established in the inner city parts of Philadelphia can connect with Gerald Waters by emailing him at geraldw@brnunited.org. Read more about Gerald and his heart for the City of Brotherly Love here.
Coming alongside Waters to share the responsibility of the Philadelphia region is Pastor Gibson Largent. Largent will serve as the BRN Church Advancement Consultant for the Greater Philadelphia region. Under his care will be 29 BRN pastors who serve churches located on the outskirts of Philadelphia.

“One of the very first things I did was put all their names on a 3×5 card,” shared Largent.
He continued: “I just want them to see me as a support position, as somebody who’s willing to listen to them, definitely pray for them, point them to resources when they need them and ask for them [and] just sort of [be] an outside friend that’s a designated listener.”
Largent has served the Greater Philadelphia region since 2007, when he first moved to Pennsylvania to start the process of planting Ridgeline Community Church in Telford, Pennsylvania, where he continues to serve as the senior pastor.
Churches wishing to connect with Gibson can do so by emailing him at gibsonl@brnunited.org. Read more about Gibson and how you can pray for him in this new role here.
Prior to the start of the New Year, the BRN welcomed Christy Kraus as its new VBS Consultant. Kraus will be specifically working with PA/SJ churches to jump start Vacation Bible School programs and enhance already established VBS experiences. She currently serves at Wrightsdale Baptist Church in Peach Bottom, Pa., as their Director of Kids’ Ministry. Churches can contact her by emailing christyk@brnunited.org. Read more about Christy and how she can help your church here.

In addition to new consultants, the BRN has also promoted a few of its team members, including former BRN Associate Director of Church Health David Ludwig. Ludwig will now serve as the BRN’s Director of Discipleship and Leadership Development. In this new role, Ludwig will continue to pursue his passion for making disciples and helping BRN churches implement effective discipleship pipelines. He will also continue to offer his services to PA/SJ churches as a certified D-Life Trainer.
To get in touch with David, churches or pastors can email him at davidl@brnunited.org.
Other notable changes to the BRN Team include title changes for Dr. Larry Anderson, who will now be identified as the Director of Church Advancement and Evangelism; Buff McNickle, who will be referred to as the Director of Compassion Ministry and Partnership Development; and Macala Mays, who will function as the BRN’s Communications Associate and Associate Editor of BRN United.
For a full list of BRN Team members and consultants and how you can get in touch with them, please visit www.brnunited.org/team. We look forward to serving you and helping your church accelerate Kingdom movement!