Editor’s Note: This blog post, which was orginally posted here,  is posted in its entirety.

BETHLEHEM, Pennsylvania — Hello, my friends.

First off, I apologize for the lack of updates for such an extended amount of time. I wish it were easy to say, “Don’t worry! Things are back to normal and you can expect to hear from the Ross Family more regularly and have detailed description of every ministry we are part of.” But that would be an inaccurate expectation. The ebb and flow of our life and ministry has been unexpected, hard, and at times (praise to our Father) miraculous. I wanted to give you guys a clear picture of the challenges we have faced, not as an excuse of our lack of updates but for clarification and understanding for the last season that has extended for over a year. I want to be transparent: this has been the hardest year of my life.

I want to be transparent: this has been the hardest year of my life.

Car accidentLast December (2019) shortly before Christmas, our family was in a car accident. The car was totaled but we thought our injuries were minor, simply being sore and a little shocked. A day or so after the accident, Grace started experiencing severe concussion symptoms, as the next few weeks progressed, Grace’s symptoms worsened. We went to a specialist and she was diagnosed with Post-Concussion symptoms and then a few months later without much progress, was diagnosed with Post-Concussion Syndrome. It becomes a “syndrome” diagnosis when the symptoms remain severe and the length of time for recovery continues to be extended. In this time Grace struggled with speech, processing/thinking, walking and standing/balance, exhaustion, motor-functions, memory, and severe pain. Throughout this year (2020 into 2021), I have had to adjust my work schedule, take time off, and as Grace would say, be “both mommy and daddy to our baby (now two year old) boy as well as husband and caregiver” for Grace.

Grace struggled with speech, walking, motor functions, memory, and severe pain.

Of course, only a couple months after the accident, the pandemic hit, turning the way we “do” ministry upside down and also resulting in Grace’s recovery therapies being put on hold for over 3 months, resulting in a regression of almost all of the progress she had made. Thankfully, we were able to resume her therapies in July, and have been making small steps forward ever since. Concussions are unique to every individual, and every little detail of how the injury happened affects symptoms and recovery times in many ways. We are now 14 months from the accident, and hopefully in the final hurdle as Grace moves on from occupational therapy, physical therapy, and (hopefully she is also done with) vision therapy, and begins speech therapy — the one all the doctors say brings everything together.

Due to the pandemic stopping her therapy, she had regressed on almost all the progress she had made. But we’ve been making small steps forward since resuming.

The ebb and flow of life is like ministry, there are times when we are faced with hardships that are also met with miraculous blessings. This has truly been the hardest year of our lives, but has been met with the most personal support. We have had many meal trains offered, prayers lifted and even financial donations to help with the cost of medical bills (and not to forget God’s provision for the time our electrical box blew out!).

God meets us many times with community, and our family has been blessed by his overwhelming presence. We have had many very dark, heavy days. And we have been blessed to know that our God will sit with us in the dark. This journey is not over, it is February, and we are in month 14 entering month 15 of treatment and therapy. I do not know how God is going to continue to show his favor but I am confident He will, I’m confident we will look back and be able to point to His presence. Not only that, but we will be able to live out His presence for others. I believe God is at work in our family and in others!

Our family has been blessed by God’s overwhelming presence, even in the dark.

Our family is still convicted for the ministry of Church Planting in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania and we are excited for God’s work and future in this area. I am continually meeting with potential church planters and now I believe that God will also use this hard season for His good, so that our family can support others even more than before.

I ask in this season to pray for Grace and a full recovery, pray for our family in financial favor, for Little Johnny as he grows from baby to big boy! Also, I ask you pray for me to become a leader, pastor, and husband more focused on Christ than ever before.

Pray that we lean on Christ more than ever before.

We love you all!
The Ross Clan

Travis Ross and his wife Grace are  missionaries living in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, called to reach the people of the Lehigh Valley. Currently, they are serving with Riverbend Community Church in Allentown, Pennsylvania to disciple newcomers, develop leaders, and equip church planters to share the gospel. Read their blog here