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Pastor Prayer Meeting

Zoom , United States

At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory…

Jesus Week Film Event

New Covenant Church Germantown Avenue 7500, Philadelphia, PA, United States

Churches in the Philadelphia area are invited to a special Jesus Week Movement event and film screening, January 25, at New Covenant Church (Germantown Ave.) from 1-6 p.m.


Weekly Prayer for Collegiate Missions and Next Gen Ministry

Zoom Online Meeting

Those interested in praying for college students, youth and young adults are invited to participate in a weekly prayer call on Zoom on Tuesday mornings. Various collegiate ministers and other invested individuals pray together. Interested? Email Stan Williams, BRN Next Gen Director at to get the Zoom link. Thank you!


Pastor Prayer Meeting

Zoom , United States

At the BRN, we teach healthy churches to filter all of their activities through the filters of the Kingdom of God and Prayer. Kingdom keeps our focus on the glory of the King instead of our own fame. Prayer keeps us in a humble posture before our King so that He might direct our steps.…

Next Gen Winter Campus Missionary Learning Community

BRN HUB 4620 Fritchey Street, Harrisburg, PA, United States

The Winter Campus Missionary Learning Community (CMLC) is a training and fellowship opportunity that will be hosted by the BRN Next Gen team, Jan. 31 - Feb. 1 at the BRN Volunteer Missions House in Harrisburg, Pa. This collaborative time will allow all persons working to impact lostness and invest in leadership development with collegians,…


Weekly Prayer for Collegiate Missions and Next Gen Ministry

Zoom Online Meeting

Those interested in praying for college students, youth and young adults are invited to participate in a weekly prayer call on Zoom on Tuesday mornings. Various collegiate ministers and other invested individuals pray together. Interested? Email Stan Williams, BRN Next Gen Director at to get the Zoom link. Thank you!

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